Arne Parish


Arne is a rural parish with about 1,370 citizens in settlements from Worgret in the west to Arne hamlet in the east and Furzebrook Road to the south, with most people in villages at Ridge & Stoborough. Apart from a small proportion of mudflat and water to the east, the 29 km2 of the Parish is about half used for farming with a fifth heathland and a fifth woodland.


Latest News

Purbeck Film Festival
13 Oct 2024
Planning Applications
13 Sep 2024



Application No: P/FUL/2022/07955 Location: Land at Stepping Stones Field Stoborough Proposal: Erection of 9 dwellings (Use Class C3), including access, drainage, landscaping and associated infrastructure We have received amended plans or additional information relating to the above planning application. You may have already made comments on the original submission however you may wish to make further comments after considering the amendments, these comments needs to be received by 20 September 2024. Additional Comments: Any comments you wish to make must be made Through the website using the link or qr code








Flood Plan
08 Sep 2024

 The latest version of the Flood Plan for the area between Stoborough and Wareham involving the causeway may be viewed from the following link:-



Flood Plan V2

Volunteers Needed
12 Aug 2024
Purbeck Local Plan
24 Jul 2024

Purbeck Local Plan (2018 - 2034) Adoption


Please Click on the Link to view the Adoption statement from Dorset Council:-


Purbeck Local Plan Adoption Statement