Our Environment
Wildflowers at the Hayricks
The policy of leaving areas on the perimeter uncut is proving beneficial as this photo shows with Wild Carrot, Knapweed and Mallow (amongst others) being prevalent.
Arne Parish Flood Plan
The Flood Plan is now being updated and a revised edition will be published in due course.
Notes from the 40th Meeting of the Climate and Ecological Support Group can be found below:-
Healthy Hedgerows
The above link provides an interesting insight into the importance of hedgerows and the work that has been ongoing to renovate and preserve them for the future.
Dorset COP
The Dorchester Declaration
We the undersigned recognise that:
Global Climate Crisis
The science is clear: climate change is an unprecedented, man-made, climate and ecological crisis. We are fast approaching a series of critical tipping points that threaten the future of life on earth.
Respect for the Earth and Climate Justice
We need to appreciate we are an interconnected and inter-dependent part of a finely balanced ecosystem. Our actions in Dorset have both a local and a global impact. Our choice to act, or not to act, will be felt most keenly by the most vulnerable people and will shape how we respond to wider social issues, growing inequality and rapidly diminishing biodiversity.
Our Behaviours
We need to be mindful of the behaviours that cause climate change and ecological damage. We need to embrace the circular economy, to change how we; travel, feed ourselves, clothe ourselves, source our energy, provide housing and handle our waste. We must respect the natural world and learn to live in harmony with our diverse landscapes and wildlife.
Personal Commitment
We are individually and collectively responsible for taking urgent action and we need to prepare now for the imminent consequences of climate change. As signatories, we commit to taking action and encouraging others to do so too. We must reduce our carbon footprints, learn to live lightly on the land and protect the natural environment.
However, we also recognise the limitations of individual action, and commit to press our leaders to take the urgent action required. We will work positively with them to support real change, and equally hold them to account when their actions fall short.
A Positive Future
Despite the challenges ahead, we should talk positively about the opportunities the future can bring. We already have many of the tools and technologies required to resolve the crisis. We know how to tackle many of the key problems and humanity has an astonishing record of rising to such challenges. As solutions are within our grasp, we just need the political will and motivation to make it happen.
By acting in accordance with this declaration, we aim to make Dorset a greener, cleaner more resilient and bio-diverse county to preserve it for the benefit of future generations.
Dorchester, September 9, 2023
See also websites for the following organisations:
Dorset COP
Natural England Dorset Heaths
You can contact the Natural England team for Dorset at their Heaths NNR Workbase c/o RSPB Workcentre Arne Wareham, Dorset BH20 5BJ
Tel. 01929 550338.
Arne Moors Project
Dorset Wildlife Trust
Wildlife reserves, volunteering, events, recording sightings and even recipes.
Arne Parish pioneered survey of deer and mapping by a local scout team, which features as best practice on a global network. See also the "Nature Actions" page of our website.